ADFIAP held a Validation Session yesterday (Dec. 10, 2024) with member-banks of the Bankers Association of the Philippines (BAP) who participated in the survey conducted by ADFIAP & Global Factor International Consulting (Spain) for the UNDP Philippines “Accelerating Green and Climate Finance in the Philippines (AGCF): Nature Based Solutions.” The session aimed to share key findings from the recent capacity assessment of Philippine universal and commercial banks, as well as foreign bank branches, in financing gender-responsive nature-based solutions (NBS).
The validation session highlighted the initial survey results that focused on:
1. Assessing current capacities in loan portfolios, risk management, and regulatory compliance.
2. Identifying strengths, weaknesses, gaps, and barriers in financing green and climate investment projects.
3. Proposing actionable strategies and interventions to enhance investment efficiency, particularly for gender-responsive nature-based solutions.
Similar validation sessions were held earlier, with 10 respondent banks from the Chamber of Thrift Banks of the Philippines (CTB) and another 10 from the Rural and Cooperative Bank (RCB) sector, both of which were included in the survey.
The meeting featured a lively exchange of information and experiences between the ADFIAP and UNDP Project Teams and the participants during the Q&A portion. The quality of the discussions contributed to validating the survey findings, and the additional information and comments ensured that the recommendations would reflect the collective input of the universal and commercial banking sector in the Philippines. These discussions will also help refine the study’s outcomes and shape the Final Capacity Assessment Report.
The validation session was organized in collaboration with the Bankers Association of the Philippines (BAP), headed by its Managing Director, Mr. Benjamin Castillo, and Mr. Arnel Almaden, along with UNDP Philippines and Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). A total of 23 bank officers from 11 respondent banks attended the validation session, alongside the UNDP Climate Action Team headed by Ms. Floradema Eleazar and Mr. Joseph Eijansantos, UNDP Project Manager. The BSP Team were represented by Ms. Rhodora M. Brazil-De Vera and Lynette Chua.
ADFIAP was represented by Ms. Cora Conde, Group Head of ADFIAP Consulting, and the UKB/FBB Project Team led by Mr. Victor C. Abainza and Ms. Carmen F. Cintura.