In a groundbreaking virtual gathering, the first-ever meeting of the ADFIAP Subcommittee on Membership took place, marking a significant milestone in the history of the organization, the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP) represented by its President and CEO Mr. Michael de Jesus was unanimously appointed as the Chairman of the Subcommittee, signaling a new chapter of leadership and collaboration within the Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP).
The meeting commenced with a warm welcome from the ADFIAP Chairman, Mr. Saud Minam, setting the tone for a productive and engaging session. With a focus on strengthening the membership base and enhancing member engagement, the agenda was packed with crucial discussions aimed at advancing the goals and objectives of the Subcommittee.
One of the key items on the agenda was the review and streamlining of the Subcommittee’s Terms of Reference. Members engaged in a comprehensive discussion to ensure that the Terms of Reference align with the Subcommittee’s mission and objectives, setting a clear path for future initiatives and activities.
Another important topic of discussion centered around inactive members and strategies for re-engagement. Recognizing the value of a diverse and active membership base, participants brainstormed innovative approaches to reach out to inactive members, reignite their interest, and encourage their active participation in the Subcommittee’s initiatives.
The virtual meeting provided a platform for members to share best practices, exchange ideas, and collaborate on ways to enhance member engagement moving forward. The appointment of the Development Bank of the Philippines as the Chairman of the Subcommittee reflects a vote of confidence in its leadership and commitment to fostering a strong and vibrant community within ADFIAP.
As the meeting ended, members expressed optimism and enthusiasm for the future of the Subcommittee on Membership. With a renewed focus on collaboration, communication, and engagement, the Subcommittee is poised to make significant steps in advancing the goals of ADFIAP and supporting the development finance community in the region.
The success of the first virtual meeting of the ADFIAP Subcommittee on Membership underscores the organization’s commitment to innovation, collaboration, and excellence. As the Subcommittee continues to chart a course for the future, the appointment of the Development Bank of the Philippines as Chairman signals a new era of leadership and cooperation within ADFIAP, setting the stage for continued growth and success in the years to come. Other members of the Subcommittee were the Agricultural and Rural Development Bank, the Development Bank of Samoa, and the Development Bank (Oman).