ADFIAP, as one of the project partners of the EU-funded Switch Asia project, “SMEs for Accountability, Responsibility and Transparency (SMART) Myanmar 2.0, participated in the annual project review, planning, and budgeting meeting organized by sequa of Germany, the lead implementing partner which was held on November 29-30, 2017 in the Myanmar capital city of Yangon.
Aside from ADFIAP, the other project partners who attended the planning session included the Foreign Trade Association of German Retailers (AVE),, the Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association (MGMA), and project associates, GIZ of Germany, the Netherlands’ Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (CBI), H&M and Lindex.
ADFIAP’s role in the project is to improve access to green financing by upscaling training programs and workshops on green finance, building capacity of Myanmar banks with the Central Bank on the design, development, and marketing of green finance products, training SMEs to approach banks for loans, and holding public-private dialogue (please see separate story) on incentive schemes for SMEs to foster green investments.
The SMART Myanmar 2.0 project is a 4-year EU-funded project aimed at improving production and increase consumption of sustainably-produced garments from Myanmar through up-scaling and improving on best practice mechanisms developed and implemented during SMART Myanmar 1.0.