
Targeting the unemployed with no access to any form of assistance/grant/credit from the Government and other sources is the focus of the Development Bank of Samoa (DBS) in developing its “Inclusive Development Credit Facility Program”.

The program aims to help start-ups in their financial needs, providing them with technical assistance to alleviate poverty, enhanced livelihood and improved wealth, and eventually contribute to national economic development. It is the first of its kind for stakeholders’ collaboration and partnerships.

DBS has partnered with various institutions for the success of the program like the Central Bank of Samoa for financial literacy training; Samoa Life Assurance Corporation for enabling insurance policy; and Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development for enabling access to the village and funding for training.

DBS “Inclusive Development Credit Facility Program” received a Merit Award in the 2018 ADFIAP Outstanding Development Projects Awards under the financial inclusion category.