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RDB follows rule on good corporate governance

The Rural Development Bank of Cambodia (RDB) is governed on the rule of a simple separation of responsibilities between a non-executive Board of Directors, with a Chairman, acting collectively and is answerable to its unique shareholder, in accordance with the state controller, and an executive management team under the Chief Executive Officer who has the direct day-to-day responsibilities of controlling current businesses of the Bank.

The Chairman and the Directors are appointed by sub-decree on the proposal of the Minister of Economy and Finance and approved by the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia for a renewable period of 3 years. The articles provide that Board shall consist of six appointed directors and one automatic member who is the representative of the personnel. The Board of Directors defines general orientation and controls the operations of the RDB in accordance with the general rules and regulations that govern State enterprises.

RDB is a full state-owned company which operates under the financial and technical guardianship of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and under the supervision of the National Bank of Cambodia.


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