
ADFIAP Awards 2025

DevTalks YouTube


ADFIAP is the focal point of all development banks and other financial institutions engaged in the financing of development in the Asia-Pacific and beyond. Its mission is to advance sustainable development through its members. Founded in 1976, ADFIAP has currently 94 member-institutions in 41 countries.

A graphical image that represents a person and a stocks growing higher
Statement of Vision

Through the provision of development finance services by its members, ADFIAP envisions a future of sustainable economic, environmental and social development and growth in the region, with its people as the ultimate beneficiary.

Statement of Mission

To advance sustainable development by strengthening the development finance function and institutions, enhancing capacity of members and its human resources, and advocating development finance innovations.

Development Partners

Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF) 2023

15 – 17 November 2023

The 8th edition of the Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF) will take place from 15 -17 November 2023 at the Singapore EXPO. SFF 2023 will focus on the growth and adoption of Artificial Intelligence and how this technology can potentially be used in financial services. As the world’s most impactful FinTech event, last year’s edition brought together over 62,000 participants from 134 countries. SFF is organised by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, Elevandi and Constellar and in collaboration with The Association of Banks in Singapore.

46th ADFIAP Annual Meetings Videos