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H.E. Dr. Kao Thach, ADFIAP’s 2nd Vice Chair

H.E. Dr. Thach Kao has been appointed as the 2nd Vice Chair of ADFIAP (Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific). Currently serving as the Chief Executive Officer of the Agricultural and Rural Development Bank (ARDB) in Cambodia, H.E. Dr. Kao brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his new role.

With a strong background in law and finance, H.E. Dr. Kao has held several key positions within the Cambodian government and financial institutions. Before his current role at ARDB, he served as Deputy Director General of Cambodia’s Securities and Exchange Commission and was instrumental in establishing the Cambodia Securities Exchange. He is actively involved in developing financial sector strategies and policies, including drafting laws related to government and non-government securities.

H.E. Dr. Kao’s educational achievements further enhance his qualifications. He holds a Bachelor of Law, a Master of Law focused on international trade law and dispute resolution, and a Doctor of Business Administration. His doctoral research focused on the transformation of the Rural Development Bank in Cambodia, showcasing his deep understanding of the subject. Additionally, he recently completed his Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy, with his dissertation focusing on the role of the securities regulator’s supervision and regulation of the securities market in Cambodia.

H.E. Dr. Kao Thach’s contributions to finance and commitment to Cambodia’s financial sector make him a valuable addition to ADFIAP. His appointment as the 2nd Vice Chair further solidifies his position as a respected leader in the region, and his expertise will undoubtedly contribute to the organization’s mission of promoting sustainable development through sustainable development financing.


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