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Fiji Development Bank invests in Bee Farmers’ success and economic growth

The Fiji Development Bank (FDB) has allocated over half a million dollars in loans to support bee farmers in enhancing their skills and boosting economic opportunities. Beekeeping is gaining popularity in Fiji, and the FDB aims to help local bee farmers capitalize on its economic potential. FDB Chief Executive Officer Saud Minam highlights the collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Association for Farmers to provide guidance on various aspects of bee management, from constructing bee boxes to effective marketing. A day training program in Savusavu focused on skill enrichment and economic empowerment for bee farmers, with representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture and the Fiji Beekeepers Association sharing practical knowledge. Minam emphasizes the growing potential of beekeeping as a significant revenue source for Oceania and Fiji. The FDB aims to play a crucial role in supporting bee farmers and fostering a vibrant beekeeping community in Fiji, as demonstrated by presenting certificates to participants as a step forward in this collaborative journey.


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